Thursday, December 19, 2013

After Effects Hit

For this project we were to use what we learned doing the After Effects Car Hit and videos of myself and a hand to make it look like I was being Flicked by the hand.  This project was easy in that we had already learned what we need to know for it.  If I were to do this project over, I would plan better so that it would look more like I was actually standing on the ground.


This is the 1st page of my portfolio.  

Christmas Wallpaper

For this project we were supposed to make a wallpaper about the holidays.  The hard part about this project was trying to find something to make.  After I figured out what I wanted to do this project was easy to make.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Finished Avatar

This is my finished avatar.  I had an easy time drawing the outline of the original picture, but it became difficult when selecting the colors to use on the avatar an trying to find the right balance between the brights and shadows to use when coloring different parts of the face.  However, once I found the right colors to use, it was easy applying the colors to the avatar.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


With this logo I tried to focus on simplicity and staying with one color.

Same as 1st logo but in CMYK.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Portfolio Title Page

Title Page of my Portfolio